Save The Tigers” is a Telugu comedy web series that was launched on Disney+ Hotstar on April 27, 2023. The main roles in this series are played by three male actors named Priyadarshi, Abhinav, and Chaitanya. The series explores the different perspectives of men and women, making it more entertaining. It has gained popularity in Telugu cinema, and millions of views have been recorded. In this article, we are providing information about the cast of “Save The Tigers.
Priyadarshi Pullikonda
Role in Save The Tigers Cast: Ghanta Ravi
Abhinav Gomatam
Role in Save The Tigers Cast: Rahul
Chaitanya Krishna
Role in Save The Tigers Cast: Vikram
Jordar Sujatha
Pavani Gangireddy
Role in Save The Tigers Cast: Madhuri
Deviyani Sharma
Role in Save The Tigers Cast: Poshavva