Anupamaa” is an Indian television drama series that premiered on July 13, 2020. The story revolves around a homemaker named Anupama. Rupali Ganguly has delivered an outstanding performance in portraying this character. According to the plot, Anupama is not given credit for her responsibilities and household work.
This series is a must-watch. In this article, we are providing you with the complete details of the cast of Anupamaa.
Rupali Ganguly
Role in Anupamaa: Anupamaa Zaveri
Sudhanshu Pandey
Role in Anupamaa: Vanraj Zaveri
Paras Kalnawat
Role in Anupamaa: Samar Zaveri
Aashish Mehrotra
Role in Anupamaa: Paritosh Zaveri
Muskan Bamne
Role in Anupamaa: Pakhi Zaveri
Madalsa Sharma
Role in Anupamaa: Kavya Shah
Ekta Saraiya
Role in Anupamaa: Varsha Zaveri
Arvind Vaidya
Role in Anupamaa: Jayesh Zaveri
Alpana Buch
Role in Anupamaa: Manorama Zaveri
Nidhi Shah
Role in Anupamaa: Kinjal “Kinju” Dave Shah
Tasneem Sheikh
Role in Anupamaa: Rakhi Dave
Gaurav Khanna
Role in Anupamaa: Anuj “AK” Kapadia aka Anuj Buddy